- About me
- Referenzen
- Preise
Carl Sander - born in Leipzig, lives in Leipzig
- mid sixties, started with a 6x6 twin-lenses reflex camera
- seventies, changed to 35mm SLR cameras
- early eighties, departure from SLR to M39 Rangefinder cameras
- 1980–1985 "Open pit mine landscape"
"Leipzig Main Station"
- late eighties: some years off from taking pictures
("SEE the world" instead "picture the world")
- early nineties, 35mm compact camera
- Late nineties, digital cameras used as work equipment
- October 2001 "Body/Measuring" with a 6x8 middle format camera
- From 2002, back to SLR cameras and fixed focal length lenses
- 2002 to date: series "Faces"
- 2002 "Banal Photos"
- September 2002 to date series "People in Galleries"
- 2003 "Ponte 25 de Abril"
- May 2004 to date, also a digital pocket camera used
- 2004 "Leipzig at Twilight"
- September 2005 to date series "Sittenbilder"
- 2005–2007 city images: Lisbon, Rome, Barcelona
- 2006 to date series "Fairytale Places"
- Friday 17th March 2006 "Menschen am Freitag" (Friday People).
- 3.11.07 "Last Bimbo Town"
- 1999 Sound-Installation "Sofa" at "LUNA", 24H-Exhibition
- 2000 Sound-Installation "Percussion for cipher machines"
with Stefan Münzer, 24H-Exhibition
- 2000 Sound-Installation "Phone Conversation"
with Marc Gergis at "Spione, Spione", 24H-Exhibition
- October 2001: Photos "body/measuring" at "body/check",
Leipzig Theatre, 24H-Exhibition for euro scene 2001
- Mai 2002: "Banal Photos" at "Banal Grande", 24H-Exhibition
- June + July 2002: "FOUR PHOTOS", café kowalsky
- 2007 Photos "Art is no Fun" at 24H-Exhibition "K.I.K.S."
- 2007 "Nightshift" - A°-Exhibition
- December 2008 "Barca" - Exhibition @ Sala Breton, Barcelona
Carl Sander, geboren in Leipzig, lebt in Leipzig:
- Mitte der 60er Jahre beginn mit Mittelformat-Fotografie
- in den 70er Jahren mehr und mehr Kleinbild
- Anfang der 80er Jahre Abkehr vom Spiegelreflex.
- Benutzung von M39-Kameras, später noch kompakteren Kleinbild-Kameras.
- 1980..1985: "Tagebaulandschaften", "LPZ Hbf", "Chemnitz"
- In der zweiten Hälfte der 80er Übergang zu fotografischer Abstinenz
("Sehen statt Fotografieren")
- Anfang der 90er wiederum Benutzung kompakter Kleinbild-Kameras
- Ende der 90er teilweise digitale Kameras als Arbeitsmittel
- Oktober 2001 erstmals wieder Mittelformat-Fotografie für "body/measuring"
- ab 2002 wieder Fotos mit 70er-Jahre SLR & Festbrennweiten
- 2002 Beginn mit "Gesichter"
- 2002: "Banale Fotos"
- seit September 2002: "Menschen in Galerien"
- 2003 "Ponte 25 de Abril"
- seit Mai 2004: digitale Taschenkamera
- 2004: "Leipzig im Zwielicht"
- September 2005: Beginn der "Sittenbilder"
- seit 2005: Städtefotos: Lisboa, Roma, Barcelona
- seit 2006: "Verwunschene Orte"
- Freitag, 17.3.2006: "Menschen am Freitag"
- 3.11.2007: "Last BimboTown
- 1999 Sound-Installation "Sofa" bei "LUNA", 24-Stunden-Ausstellung
- 2000 Sound-Installation "Percussion für Chiffriermaschinen"
mit Stefan Münzer
- Sound-Installation "Phone Conversation"
mit Marc Gergis bei "Spione, Spione", 24-Stunden-Ausstellung
- Oktober 2001: Fotos "body/measuring" bei body/check,
Schauspielhaus Leipzig, 24-Stunden-Ausstellung, euro scene 2001
- Mai 2002: "Banale Fotos" bei "Banale Grande", 24-Stunden-Ausstellung
- juni+juli 2002: "VIER FOTOS", café kowalsky
- 2007 Fotos "Kunst ist kein Spass" bei KIKS
- 2007 "Nachtschicht" - A°-Ausstellung
- Dezember 2008 "Barca" - Ausstellung im Sala Breton, Barcelona
I'm interest in experimental projects, exchange of ideas and collaboration with creative Models, make up Artists, Gaffer, Best Boys, ...
I can offer shooting on location (including mobile strobes and bouncers) and also can rent a studio if i know what you need.
TF* (TFP, TFCD or agreements of that nature) i will accept, if I'm wowed from your charisma and ideas and when that benefit is on both sides.
Just ask, won't bite ;-)
Comments, questions and shooting requests are welcome!
If you like what you see, please feel free to get in touch.
contact: carl.sander@best-picture-point.de
see more: http://best-picture-point.de/slideshows.htm http://www.modelmayhem.com/bestpicturepoint
http://www.galerierieriemann.de/sander/index.htmnach Verinbarung, auch TFP/TFCD
- 7 days +Response Time
- 6,186Visitors
- Residence
04299 Leipzig
- Works withWomen & men
- Spoken languages
- Websitehttp://best-picture-point.de
Shooting categories
- Portrait
- Lifestyle
- Lingerie
- Nude
- Weddings
- Television
- Dance
- Promotion
- Fashion
- Swimwear
- Topless
- Fetish
- Bodypainting
- Theater
- Catwalk
Photos 13
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