- About me
- Shooting guidelines
Dear Model,
Photography Is My Passion
I always have been fascinated about art and especially photography. Capturing the moment. Creating something meaningful is what I want to do every day.
All sorts of photography gets my attention, but street and portrait photography is what inspires me the most. I have traveled around the world to make pictures of the most interesting cities, streets and people. Before I go to a place, I have a story in my mind that I want to tell. That’s how I work the best. Focus on one subject and try to capture that in the most creative and original way.
That’s why I also like black and white photography so much. You can really focus on a subject and play with dark and light to create a specific image. Therefore I like to shoot portraits and streetphotography mostly in black and white.
I want to be more professional and want tot explore all sorts of portrait photography. A few years a go I started with Boudoir and Nude-art photography.
My portfolio:
- 24hResponse Time
- 348Visitors
- MaybeTfP
- Residence
3510 Utrecht (stad)
- Works withWomen
- Trade license / freelancework with commercial license or freelance.
- Spoken languages
- Websitewww.bartvanlier.nl
Shooting categories
- Portrait
- Lifestyle
- Lingerie
- Nude
- Weddings
- Television
- Dance
- Promotion
- Fashion
- Swimwear
- Topless
- Fetish
- Bodypainting
- Theater
- Catwalk
Photos 1
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