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Thank you for visiting my sedcard and I hope you like my (and the models + MUA's) work.
Deutsch: Die Bilder auf dieser Sedcard unterliegen dem Copyright. Ohne meine ausdrückliche Einwilligung dürfen diese weder privat noch gewerblich genutzt, vervielfältigt, verändert oder an Dritte weitergegeben werden. Jede Zuwiderhandlung wird als Verstoß gegen das Urheberrecht zur Anzeige gebracht und straf- und zivilrechtlich verfolgt.
Nederlands: Alle afbeeldingen op deze Sedcard zijn copyright Joeri Peeters. Zonder mijn toestemming mogen deze beelden niet privaat of commercieel gebruikt worden of aan derden verdeeld worden. Elke overtreding is een inbreuk op het auteursrecht en zullen strafrechterlijk vervolgd worden!
English: The pictures on this Sedcard are subject to copyright. Without my express consent, they may neither be used, copied, altered or distributed to third parties. Any infringement shall be reported as a violation of copyright and prosecuted under criminal or civil law.
I'm a passioned photographer from Zichem, Belgium with a love for beautiful portrait/lingerie photography and I speak fluently Dutch, good English and German + basic French.
Sie können mir immer in Deutsche Sprache anschreiben!
Most of the time I love to shoot on location, indoors or outdoors because it gives so much "extra" to a picture so I do very little studio work. My wife is MUA and we are a great team to work with. All models who have worked with us say we are a lovely and nice couple to work with in a relaxed atmosphere. My goal is to make beautiful pictures in cooporation with the model by listening to the models wishes, ideas and moodboards, search for beautiful locations (indoors and outdoors) to create stunning pictures. We are only pleased when the model is pleased. Bringing someone where you are comfortable with is no problem. If you have your own MUA or you do the make-up yourself, also not a problem.
I work both with natural light as strobes. We all know the camera and lenses do not make the picture (the whole team does) but I use quality prime lenses for best picture quality.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thanks for reading and hear from you soon.
Joeri & Nancy Please contact me sending a private message or use the contact form on my website:
You can write me in English, Deutsch or Nederlands.- QEP (Qualified European Photographer) category Fashion. (= European Quality label)
- Official photographer Gary Numan 2019 for the DVD/LP/CD 'When the sky came down" at the London Royal Albert hall, Hammersmith & Bridgewaterhall Manchester.
- Freelance photographer for Miss Belgium since 2019
- Publications (cover) in several Belgian quality magazines like Papillio & Bello magazine)
- Cover of the biggest Belgian newspapers "Het Laatste Nieuws" & "Het Nieuwsblad".
- Publications in Story & MetroWrite me in English, Deutsch or Nederlands.
I also do TFP shoots on location.
o Prefer +18.
o Size 34,36
o Portrait
o Fashion
o Glamour
o Lingerie
o Nude
If not in your portfolio on model-kartei. Send me a picture of
o Front face with makeup
o Front face without makeup
o Complete profile picture
Your moodboard:
o Describe your moodboard.
§ Mood
§ Clothing
§ Make-up
§ Location
§ Example pictures
§ …
- After agreement.
o Shoots always take place on Saturday or Sunday
o A shoot cannot be cancelled on short notice!
o You show up well rested (e.g. not tired of going out the night before)
o No problem if accompanied by a friend you are comfortable with (no new love, budding relationship) . He/she will not be photographed.
o -18 should be accompanied by 1 of the parents + signed agreement
o Before the shoot you need to sign an agreement in English language. No exceptions. See separate page.(soon available)
o No money compensation whatsoever like transportation costs, renting of clothing,… I need to pay my car and fuel too. Post processing the pictures afterwards is very time consuming and is not billed at all.
o Model brings the clothing. Dresses, lingerie, dress, shoes, wigs,…
o A Make-up artist is free of charge and is available at the photo shoot!
- Choosing/Delivery of pictures
o Model receives the edited pictures at the latest 3 weeks after the shoot.
o After the shoot the photographer makes a selection of the pictures and they will be view-able (small size) for the model (not downloadable!) so she can choose her favorite pictures.
o The photographer makes his choice and 2-5 common pictures will be edited, no more! Target is only to have a few wonderful picture not 500 ordinary. It’s for OUR portfolio, they better be good.
o Photos are edited in Photoshop (processing 1 photo can take several hours) and will be delivered electronically in two sizes in jpg format.
§ FULL RESOLUTION (300 dpi, no watermark). These pictures can be printed on A1 format or even higher with no quality loss!
§ WEB Format (72 DPI) with logo, watermark.
Only pictures can be published on social media, internet,… with watermark in unedited form. No exceptions. Even B&W conversion is not allowed. A lot of time and effort is put in post processing so using a cheap smartphone filter is an insult to the photographer!
1- Don’t wear tight clothes to your shoot. They will leave impressions in your skin along the seams and waistband. Look and learn from models in magazines like poses, expressions,... There are several apps with the most common poses used! If you are a model with no experience the photographer will understand you and will guide you. He also started once as a beginner and he will understand how you feel. Don't take your boyfriend with you, better choose a good friend if it makes you more comfortable at the shoot.
2- Do your research. Try to do at least a little research on the person you are shooting with. It also shows a bit of respect to the photographers who are shooting you. Their time is just as valuable as yours. Photographers who promise you 50 edited pictures can never be taken seriously. A photographer who takes his job seriously shoots in Full Frame (or at least a cropped sensor) and uses high quality lenses. The shoot itself takes a few hours but selecting the finest photos and post processing afterwards can take days for a few pictures.
3- Have a little imagination Bring some of your own creativity to the table. Experiment. Again, MOVE! Do some research for locations, beautiful places, abandoned buildings, stylish flats, old cars, ... Ask your friends, family. They might know some locations where you haven't heard of. These proposals will be highly appreciated by the photographer as you wil give him the feeling you are taking modeling seriously.
4- Don’t post converted RAWs If a photographer sends you some preview images, don’t post them without permission! This shows the images in an unfinished state that they are not intended to be seen by the public, but that the photographer already wanted to show you. It can also jeopardize any possible publication of the images.
5- Learn where your light is. Good models understand where their light is coming from. If you’re shooting in a studio, pay attention to where the photographer puts their lights. If you’re shooting outside, take note of where the sun is.
6- Be punctual and if for some reason you are going to be late, send a quick text or call to the photographer saying “Sorry! I’m running a little late. I’ll be there as soon as possible.”
7- Tag your team: If you’re posting your images on social media, it’s common courtesy to tag the people who contributed to making the image happen. Tag the photographer, stylist, makeup artist, and anybody else who contributed.
8- DON’T PUT FILTERS ON PICTURES FROM A SHOOT When you receive the final edit of an image, that’s how it’s intended for it to be seen. Never cover that up with a filter! It’s disrespectful to the photographer and his team.
9- DON'T cancel the shoot on short notice. You might get not a second change and certainly not a third.
- 72hResponse Time
- 3,082Visitors
- Works withWomen
- Spoken languages
- Websitehttp://www.joeripeeters.com
Shooting categories
- Portrait
- Lifestyle
- Lingerie
- Nude
- Weddings
- Television
- Dance
- Promotion
- Fashion
- Swimwear
- Topless
- Fetish
- Bodypainting
- Theater
- Catwalk
Would you like to know whom Joeri Peeters has already worked with? Check out the network: Show