- About me
- Shooting guidelines
Zürich / Switzerland
People fotografer. Portrait. Fashion. Nudes. Studio near Zürich
Dear models. If you are looking for paid shoots - I very rarely hire models for pay shoots and will contact them if I have a fitting project.
I receive many requests, plese understnd I do not have time to reply/explain individually.
TFP Request - you are welcome
Liebe models. Ich erhalte sehr viele Anfragen für Payshoots. Ich habe gelegentlich Projekte für Payshoots, kontaktiere die Models dann jeweils selbst.
Ich bitte um Verständnis dass ich nicht alle Pay-Anfragen einzeln beantworte.
TFP Anfragen - immer gerne! -
- 5 daysResponse Time
- 4,255Visitors
- YesTfP
- Works withWomen & men
- Spoken languages
Shooting categories
- Portrait
- Lifestyle
- Lingerie
- Nude
- Weddings
- Television
- Dance
- Promotion
- Fashion
- Swimwear
- Topless
- Fetish
- Bodypainting
- Theater
- Catwalk
Photos 1
apad16 has participated in other shootings: Show tagged photos