- About me
- Shooting guidelines
- Fine Art Prints
I am working as a photographer, art director and visual effects supervisor for advertisement, cinema and tv. Beside that I teach computer arts at the university of applied arts Vienna.
In addition to the digital world, I enjoy photographing with rare analog equipment. I almost exclusively take photographs with rare analog equipment and do the hole process from the negative to the positive print by my own, to have the maximum control. For the prints I usually use these beautiful and wonderful rare photographic paper from the golden ages of black and white photography. I am glad, that several exhibitions with my photographies were successful.
The shootings are relaxed and serene, but full of creativity. So, if you are interested to create pictures beyond the clean washed digital world! (... which I also like), it would be great if you could be part if it and do not hesitate to contact me.
As I am doing pure for art and the process of analog printing is way more expensive than taking normal pictures, I normally do shooting based on so called “time for prints” – and in my case you really get prints (and digital scans of course). But of course I fully understand if you are only doing pay shooting, but maybe you can offer me lower attractive rates. As I am Selling print, 50% of the income will go back to you. As i can imagine, that you probably do only paid shots. I fully understand if you are not so happy with my offer. Maybe we do an maximum two hour test shooting, without make up.
I love to concentrate on the person and to work out the personality, no matter if nude or semi or covered nude, or only a story telling face.
All the best, Reinhold A. -
Neben der digitalen Welt, fotografiere ich leidenschaftlich gerne mit seltener analoger Ausrüstung. Der gesamte – sehr teure – Prozess bis zum ausbelichteten Positiv auf wundervollen, mittlerweile schon sehr seltenen alten Schwarz-Weiß Papieren findet in meinem Studio bzw. Labor statt. Somit wird der der gesamte Ausarbeitung von mir gesteuert und geleitet.
Analog fotografiere ich ausschließlich auf „Time for Print“ Basis um Raum für neue Ideen und Konzepte zu schaffen und der Kunst Raum und Vorrang zu geben.
Wie bereits gesagt, würde ich wahnsinnig gerne mit dir an einem Projekt arbeiten. Ich liebe es mich auf die Person und die Persönlichkeit zu konzentrieren, nicht zwingend aber vornehmlich Verdeckter Akt, Teilakt und Akt.
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Für Auftragsarbeiten suche ich des öfteren Modelle. Siehe meine Ausschreibungen.
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Offen für eine vielzahl von Projekten, unter anderem auch Film und Film mit hohem Nachbearbeitungsaufwand.
Siehe dazu http://www.industrial-motion-art.com
Send request Ausbelichten auf meist sehr alten und raren Photopapier
- 24hResponse Time
- 6,831Visitors
- YesTfP
- Works withWomen & men
- Trade license / freelancework with commercial license or freelance.
- Spoken languages
- Websitehttps://www.flickr.com/photos/131444859@N06/
Shooting categories
- Portrait
- Lifestyle
- Lingerie
- Nude
- Weddings
- Television
- Dance
- Promotion
- Fashion
- Swimwear
- Topless
- Fetish
- Bodypainting
- Theater
- Catwalk
Photos 30

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