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Classic Black and White Analog (film) Photography.
Film | Chemicals | Darkroom
Hi, I am a Munich based photographer shooting analog artistic nudes, alternative nudes and portraits.
Since people are often asking "dude why do u shoot analog?" you can now read the Anser down here :-)
After working as a full-time digital photographer for years, I started realizing, that this was not the way of photography that made me happy anymore. I started feeling more and more like a digital mass producer than an actual photographic artist.
I started generating some kind of antipathy against all that extreme beauty retouching and pretending to be over perfect stuff. Originally I wanted to show the real beauty of people and doing crazy and maybe some provoking art stuff. But what I did more and more was the total opposite.
That was the time when I decided to turn my back on to digital photography, to stop supporting this mass marked of over perfecting persons to an unreal level. There is so much beauty out there that really do not need any Photoshop. Also, I always loved the medium of photographic film, since in my opinion it fits my images the best and is a very honest medium. Also, I love the whole process from creating the idea, over preparing, shooting, experimenting, developing the film and finally creating a real hand made darkroom print.
Besides the fact that I have to work slower and much more careful with film, I especially enjoy having by far more time to get to know the person that I am shooting with. This deeper kind of relationship helps me to create even more honest and beautiful images.
My genres are, Artistic nudes, Portraits, Alternativ nudes.
Für Aktuelle Bilder bitte auf meine Webiste´s gehen
For up to date images please visit my website.
website: https://dennisgelner.com (film)
website: https://erotikfotograf-muenchen.de (digital and film)
all digital pictures here are old and i shoot primarily on film.
Bezahlbar und eine Sache der Absprache. KV für Firmen und Gewerbetreibende gerne möglich.
Hauptsächlich Pay Shootings (ich werde Bezahlt), TFP nur in Ausnahmefällen :-)
No TFP (exceptions possible)
Pay (i get payed)
i normally do not offer TFP shoots since I shoot for a living and not just for fun.Pleas also visit me on
website: https://erotikfotograf-muenchen.de
Website: https://dennisgelner.com
Thank you!Musiker Magazin 02/2015 S. 18
Tian van Tastique (Fashion-Designer)
"Pierre Fabre“ (A-Derma, AVÉNE, Furterer etc)“
Clando Records” (Musik-Label)
Lex da vinci (Musiker)
Eddy dirty rock (Musiker)
La Cave Records (Musik-Label)
Marina Ferdinand (Musikerin)
div. Privatpersonen
div. Modellehttps://www.instagram.com/p/Bw2QD8RIc00/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBVygkkYGjADoes analog mean i will get no digital copys?
- No, i of course scan the images for you and give you digital copys.
Do you retouch the images?
- yes and no, I retouch the scanned imges only as far as i would actually do it in the darkroom. so No extreme beauty retouching, sorry but my images are not just about art but also about being real.
Can i have darkroom prints.
- If you booked a shoot and you pay me, then a fix number of darkroom prints is inclouded int the price.
- if i pay you, it really depends a lot on the personal chemistry .
- if you model for me "for free" (it actually always costs me a bunch of money), you will get a fix number of your favourite images on paper and for sure in digital.
Can i joyn you i the darkroom to see how images are done?
- This also is a thing that depends on personal chemisty, if i feel you are an honest and verry interested person and that i can trust you not to do weird things, than it maybe is possible yes.
- 7 days +Response Time
- 4,476Visitors
- Residence
80331 München
- Accessible airportsMünchen
- Works withWomen
- Trade license / freelancework with commercial license or freelance.
- Spoken languages
- Websitehttps://dennisgelner.com
Shooting categories
- Portrait
- Lifestyle
- Lingerie
- Nude
- Weddings
- Television
- Dance
- Promotion
- Fashion
- Swimwear
- Topless
- Fetish
- Bodypainting
- Theater
- Catwalk
Photos 18

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