Profile comments 7
Hey DaWiNa,
You have a great portfolio with many outstabding photos. I also like that you are a bit "out of the box." Somer of your ideas and mine fit very well together. Perhaps we'll get a chance to shoot together someday.
Take care & enjoy,
Andrew W-S
You have a great portfolio with many outstabding photos. I also like that you are a bit "out of the box." Somer of your ideas and mine fit very well together. Perhaps we'll get a chance to shoot together someday.
Take care & enjoy,
Andrew W-S
sehr spannende sc, spricht mich wirklich sehr an.
sehr beeindruckende sc. zum festgucken.
You are convinced? Send a shooting request to ...DaWiNa...: New message
Take care & enjoy,
Andrew W-S