Profile comments 7

1 month ago
Hi Ksenia,
congrats to your outstanding sedcard and fabulous posings!
Nice greetings from Austria!
10 months ago
Vor zehn Jahren habe ich hier viele tolle Models gefunden. Heute sehe ich nur noch Models, die meinen, sie müssten in erster Linie ihre Brüste zur Schau stellen. I´s increddible!
1 year ago
Had a shooting today with Ksenia and i am impressed.
She is a very inspiring, easy going Model with a lot of creative Ideas she brings in the shooting.
She knows exactly what she is doing in front of a Camera speaks very good english so communication is really easy. We had a lot of fun during the shooting and most important really impressive results. If i have the opportunity to shoot her again- every time.
Highly recommended
1 year ago
1 year ago
I had a shoot with Ksenia recently and I have to say that it's a pleasure working with her. I am very happy with the results.
1 year ago
Ksenia is a great motivated and inspiring person!
1 year ago
Sehr schade, leider werden Shootinganfragen nicht beantwort und einfach kommentarlos gelöscht!