Profile comments 12

6 years ago
Bist ein wunderhübsches Model.
Würde mich freuen, wenn wir doch einmal für ein shooting zusammenfinden würden....
6 years ago
What for a wonderful Sedcard, what for a beautyful WOMAN. I'm proud of the seeing that one. A lot of thanks!
Невероятное фоторезюме. Я в восторге и благодарю за великолепные работы! Всего наилучшего!

6 years ago
Awesome fantastic Sedcard :) !!! I love it this brilliant beautiful Pictures ! Lovley Greetings from Switzerland -

Dirk aka DJ [Reaktor-4]
7 years ago
Really awesome sedcard!
Very good shootings!
Regards, Stephan
8 years ago
Dear Vita,
sorry for not writing anything in your reference, the new MK got me and I've y accident clicked on the wrong button before I did the reference...

It has been a very harmonic and successful 2 day shooting with you, for our first (and hopefully not the last) it yielded some great images!
You are a kind, punctual and friendly person which I can definitively recommend!
Great poses, lots of energy and easy going!

Cheers and thank you again! Michael
8 years ago
schöne Bilder von einer tollen Frau

LG Bernd
8 years ago
Very, very beautiful work. Yours is one of my favorite sedcards on here. Well done and I can't wait to see new work.
8 years ago
You are insanely gorgeous. Top notch sedcard with wonderful variety in styles and moods. Keep up the good work!
8 years ago
Sehr schöne Bilder die hier gezeigt werden..


Gruß Thorsten
8 years ago
Hi Vita, one of the best Sedcards and one of the most beautiful Models here. It would be a pleasure to work with you!!
Greetings Christian
9 years ago
Hello Jay,

From your photos it is easy to see that you are a beautiful model with a fantastic figure who is very photogenic. Do you travel to Germany on tour? If yes, where do you go. I am a hobby photographer who lives in a rural area of Germany.

Take care & enjoy,
Andrew W-S

PS - Please send me a message with your rates.