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hallo danke für euren Besuch,auf meiner SC:)
--------Mittlerwwile Mami von vier Kindern.
ich freue mich nach einer langen Pause wieder zu shooten AGENTUR:www.fotomodelsearch.ch
AGENTUR http://www.casting-power.de/sedcard.php?username=nezzah&user=nezzah&pass=TfELudSky6
2008 miss bodenseewahlen finale
mai/2011 come&posing contest platz 1.
1x Fotoshooting by arts in schönenwerd(nicht mk)
8x Fotoshooting by the frame
1x Fotoshooting by kelly
8x Fotoshooting by Dieter E.
1 x bikini g/g shooting outdoor by Dieter E.
1X Fotoshooting by UK-PhotoDesign
1x Fotoshooting by Cawin
7x Fotoshooting by Lizzie&gerry
1 x Fotoshooting by BeautyfElle ~ Fotografin & Visagistin ~
1 x Fotoshooting by MattSnap - Fotografie & Bildbearbeitung
1x Fotoshooting by DIGITALEYE:
2 x Fotoshooting by CK-Photography|© 2010|www.ck-photography.eu
1 x Fotoshooting by Rehfi - analog rockt (auch)! - Models ohne Tattoo
1 x Fotoshooting by fotokunscht (in Auftrag von http://www.sauces.ch)(flyer)
1 x Fotoshooting by ** CELLO FOTOGRAFIE ** 1. Bild aus dem Homestudio
1x Fotoshooting mit catch the moment (bar shooting im club mellow in zürich)
1x B/G shooting mit liz und gerry
1 X Fotoshooting by Chris Mueller
1 x burlesque shooting by m-arte.ch, Studienreise vom 1. - 10 März
1 x bruno birkhofer photography
1 x daniel rodriguez
1 x L'art GT akt shooting
1 x Epoque Photography - Herbert Rütsche harley shooting
1 x creativauge
1 x henko fotografie
1 x xamu
1 x MirekB
1 x l art
1 x woko photography
1 x michael klaey photoartist
Soo jetzt hab ich aufgehört zu zählen...auf anfrage...
- 7 days +Response Time
- 52,772Visitors
- NoAgency
- Residence
8280 Kreuzlingen
- Trade license / freelancework with commercial license or freelance.
Sedcard information
- Age35
- Height5' 2"
- Weight129 lbs
- Body size22" - 18" - 23"
- Bra34 C
- Size8 (S)
- Shoe size7
- HairBlack, Very Long
- Eye colorBrown
- TattoosMany
- PiercingsFew, 1
Shooting categories
- Portrait
- Lifestyle
- Lingerie
- Nude
- Bodypainting
- Theater
- Catwalk
- Fashion
- Swimwear
- Topless
- Fetish
- Television
- Dance
- Promotion
Photos 37
_nezzah_--lust auf shootings;) has participated in other shootings: Show tagged photos