Hexe by Silivren From the gallery nicht aktuell

Fotograf Helmut S.

Comments 5

You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
hut,sichel.....passt super zum thema,aber der besen parkt wohl im halteverbot?

sehr schön umgesetzt!

lg achim
Eine klasse Aufnahme. Kommst richtig gut rüber.

Ich wünschte, ich hätte solche Kräuterfräuleins hier bei mir im Wald zur fotografischen Verfügung :-)

[gone] damasjo (kommentiert zurück)
Tolles Outfit! Steht Dir unwahrscheinlich gut!
LG Joachim
[gone] HMGzero
das bild gefällt mir, du gibst ne klasse hexe ab.
das kostüm gefällt mir richtig gut, auch dass du auf schuhe verzichtest passt einfach :)

liebe grüße
[gone] HML-ART
"Witch's Promise" (Jethro Tull)

Lend me your ear while I call you a fool.
You were kissed by a witch one night in the wood,
and later insisted your feelings were true.
The witch's promise was coming,
believing he listened while laughing you flew.

Leaves falling red, yellow, brown, all are the same,
and the love you have found lay outside in the rain.
Washed clean by the water but nursing its pain.
The witch's promise was coming, and you're looking
elsewhere for your own selfish gain.

Keep looking, keep looking for somewhere to be,
well, you're wasting your time, they're not stupid like he is.
Meanwhile leaves are still falling, you're too blind to see.

You won't find it easy now, it's only fair.
He was willing to give to you, you didn't care.
You're waiting for more but you've already had your share.
The witch's promise is turning, so don't you wait up
for him, he's boing to be late.

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