No title by Kasia21 From the gallery Oldies....

Dankeschön an Giacchi!

Comments 5

You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
Sehr hübche Arbeit. Kompliment.
VG Sascha
sehr schönes bild!
toller blick!
Klasse Bildschnitt und schöne Kontraste. Fein gemacht.
[gone] dielara
ohaaa, i like;)
man sieht auch gar nicht, dass die gleise nicht so bequem waren:D
nee ist echt super schön, hasi:-*
[gone] max rotarsky
We're just two little girls from Little Rock.
We lived on the wrong side of the tracks.
But the gentlemen friends who used to call,
they never did seem to mind at all.
They came to the wrong side of the tracks.


taken from: MM

Picture Participants 1

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