Photo: Alberto Bruni

Comments 4

You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
cool ist bei dir:)
lg anna
[gone] sylvana graeser photography
uiiii nen shooting angebot für dich les ich grade ^^ lustig, dass der das als kommentar verfasst.
naja eigentlich wollte ich nur sagen: schönes foto :)
I'm Guy from Digital Art Productions Belgium, specialized in Male Models Portfolio's.
Next week I will be in Berlin with a few of my models, 13-16th of May.
Are you interested to join us for a photoshoot?
I work 100% on a TFCD base, so you will get all the pictures on CD.

You are welcome on 14 or 15 th of may.
We are staying on this address in Berlin: Prenzlauer Promenade 20 III.Etage links - 13086 Berlin

Please send me an email if you are interested or when you have more questions:

Hope to hear from you,

ps. my phone is +32 498 26 39 49
Das Bild ist superschön!
Da stimmt alles (:

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