Comments 5

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[gone] User_236812
wunderbar inszeniert, tolle Arbeit! Sehr schöne Tonung!
Sehr schön gemacht.... einfach ein tolles Bild!
Klasse Aufnahme!!!
I like it very much !!

LG Anastasija
[gone] User_3308
what a wonderful picture- I would love to be that girl right now... beeing in the sun :-) not here in the cold.

I like the color- which makes it so warm and cosy. I will be in Switzerland 6. and 7. of January...maybe you are interested in a shooting with me?

best wishes to you
Onna Sakura
Perspektive, Bildschnitt, SW-Umsetzung... gefällt mir gut!

lg Klaus

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  • 5Comments