Dear All.

New group in Telegram dedicated to live photo-events such as workshops in my studio and in other locations. ***Exclusively for serious*** photographers. All participants of my past workshops are cordially welcome as well as those who seriously consider future participation.
In this group we discuss future events with themes, dates and possible models and decisions will be made via joint brainstorming.
For invitations to this group please contact me directly.

And our next event is on December 1st

Comments 2

You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
5 months ago
Einen Klassiker gekonnt zu neuem Leben erweckt.
LG Jürgen
5 months ago
Eine klasse Inszenierung und ein dazu perfektes Posing von Anastasia Ray. Ein sehr schönes Bild!
Mit bestem Gruß Manfred