A thousand veils of transparent silk were calmly floating in a soft breeze. Her eyes couldn’t find the ceiling, it vanished in staggering heights. There were no walls to find, just thousands of drifting veils. It made the whole room feel like a dreamy ocean of fabric. Nothing seemed to have any contours, all was immerged in warm dim light. No sounds were to be heard, except the gentle whispering of the veils in the air. The wonderous place felt warm and comfortable. She wandered around, curious what she might find behind each veil, but it was always another one, carrying the whisper to the next one.
She tried to locate the source from where the soft white light was coming from. Her hands passed veil after veil, while she was trying to find a direction. The light seemed to get brighter now, she was on the right path. A few steps later, she noticed a strange feeling in her chest. It felt like the echo of a deep dull pain. Unsettled, her steps slowed down. But through the veils she could recognize the outlines of the light’s source, it had to be a gate or a tall window. She moved closer. The pain in her chest grew with each step and it sharpened, until she finally had to stop. A burning sensation was spreading into her head, arms and legs. Frightened, she stumbled back. The pain left her immediately. She stood there motionless, trying to comprehend. One last step forward confirmed her fear, as a sharp jolt drove through her body once again.
The breeze moved the veils in a calming wave. Time was passing without notice in here. One panel of silk touched the other, thousands upon thousands, and they carried their message to her. She was still standing there, trying to decide whether she would be able to make it to the window. Her legs were already giving in from countless former attempts, and the pain was reflected in her short breathing. The veils were murmuring in the gentle air, “Stay”, they whispered. “Stay…Stay…”

Photographer: @j.studiography
Model / Text: @filthnoir
Music recommended: Jonna Jinton - The Spirit Song
Shot in June 2024

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[gone] User_607305
7 months ago
You are creating some really amazing images. Fantastic work! Love it!
7 months ago
Gefällt mir sehr gut, Farbgebung, Bildaufbau, einfach schön

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