The blinking monitors made the already small room feel confined. The medical devices uttered a monotonous beeping, in sync with the dropping of the infusion that was slowly trickling into her left arm. Outside, in front the hospital there was a small church and its bells mixed into the strange symphony she had been listening to for so long now. She smiled wistfully, remembering the golden lights of the countless chandeliers that had brightened all the spectacular evenings, when they had met in the opera. The heavy red velvet curtains, the white marble stairs, the laughter and excitement of the audience, the clinging of champaign glasses and he was wearing her favourite cologne, leading her through the cheerful crowd, admiring her shimmering dress.
She felt cold in her hospital shirt and tightened the thin blanket around her. The devices kept blinking and small orange dots were reflecting on the ceiling. Looking through the tears that were collecting on her lashes, the dots looked just like candlelight. She took in a deep breath. This was her special evening. The symphony of the devices rose, the blinking lights filled the room with warmth and her wispy shirt turned into a delicate dress. The air smelled of cinnamon and cloves, his scent, he was waiting for her. She gathered all the layers and ruffles of her beautiful skirt and vanished. Outside, the bells were chiming with joy.

Photographer: @j.studiography
Model / Text: @filthnoir
Music recommended: Maurice Ravel - Miroirs: V. La vallée des cloches


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