I was very glad to meet once again my guests from Hannover Marijke and Michael. We continued exploration into artistic poses that are exceptionally interesting with very special beauty of body constitution of Marijke. We aim to make a special master class with Marijke and Michael in Hannover on July 27-28.

My next workshops in Cologne will be with @Nastya Bea on June 2nd and with @Annaenny on June 22. Please secure your participation.

Workshops will include:

-Guided and unguided sessions.
-Building artistic stage with consideration of model's appearance.
-Exploring artistic poses for expressions of different moods.
-Mastering work with light and colours.

Start at 13:00 and the event will be lasting 3, 3.5 hours.
Price: 250 Euro

Ringstrasse 40 50996 Cologne
Tel: 016098624658
Please secure your participation!

Comments 4

You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
3 weeks ago
Fabulous sensual classic graceful bathing Muse!
great light,colours and use of fabric
lovely model,pose and figure
(did I see you on PP)!?

1 month ago
Wie ein klassisches Gemälde.
LG Uwe
1 month ago
Ganz große Klasse.
LG Thomas
2 months ago
Großartiger Rückenakt, wunderschön komponiertes Bild.
Lieben Gruß