Tears were streaming down her face, as she was caught in a frightening hurricane of screaming sounds and harsh light flashes. Wrath had left her, but remorse tasting cold and bitter had its claws stuck deep in her throat. All the things she had done, she went through them again, all the hard words she had spit at others, all the unfaithful thoughts and plots she had spun in her head, all the nasty feelings of envy and pride that had tainted her heart. She experienced everything at once again and the pain was so intense it got narcotic. Maybe it was her delirium, but at times, she thought she could perceive a flicker between the masses of the storm surrounding her. A familiar face gleamed at her. It was his face, and his expression mirrored hers, streams of tears in a face full of sorrow. He was grey with grief, and he looked as if he had been to hell and back. Then he was gone, hidden behind the walls of the raging storm.
She never would have thought that she was to experience the saying of the broken heart, but she could feel it break when she finally was confronted with her worst wrongdoing. There was no strength left to cry or scream. She had abandoned him. She had left him when she had decided to go where he could not follow. The burden of regret weighted her down to the ground.
A gentle hand reached out for her, lifting her head from her knees. She looked up into the hooded face of the Guardian. It helped her get back on her feet. The storm had calmed down, the noise and lightning were gone. “Are you ready to go?” the Guardian asked. “To go where?” she asked, her voice hoarse and exhausted. She noticed a faint scent of concrete after rain. “To go back”, the Guardian answered. With its last word, the white door appeared in front of them.
She looked at it in disbelief, holding her breath. She turned to the Guardian, gratitude but also fear on her face. “I can go back?” Nodding, the Guardian pointed to the door. A last tear fell from her eye. “Thank you”, she whispered.

“Pulse is back, heart rate at 110, now stabilize her and get me venous access – Miss, can you hear me?”

Photographer: @j.studiography
Model / Text: @filthnoir
Music recommended: Georgy Sviridov - Nativity Song
Shot in January 2024


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