The narrow path carried them deeper into the dark, each bend leading more and more downhill, until she got the feeling of walking miles below ground. She tried to keep up with the long strides her hooded guardian was taking. It was a silent journey. She was too intimidated to address the guardian directly and it did not seem to be interested in conversation. The atmosphere grew thicker with each step they were taking. The only dim light was emanated from the guardian’s staff. Why were they down here? The silence grew louder, even the sound of their steps was swallowed by the sand. Something was to about to happen, she could feel the nervousness rise again inside her. She could hear the pounding beat of her heart and taste bitter fear on her tongue. There seemed no air left to breathe when she finally raised her voice. It sounded thin and fearsome, nearly drowned by her harsh heartbeat. “Why are we here? What is this place?”
The guardian stopped and turned to her. “Haven’t you noticed them yet?” its foreign voice was ringing from the walls. Her heartbeat grew even louder, now sounding like kettledrums. “Haven’t noticed whom?” she asked frightened. “They’re right here, they have been following you for some time” the guardian said. They were here. Terrified, she forced herself to look around. Nothing was behind or above them. What did the guardian mean? But when she wanted to ask again, her eyes finally saw what her ears had tried to tell her all this time. She had not heard her own heart.
They were behind the walls. Inside the walls, crawling, scratching, hammering against them, trying to break through. Horrified, she tried to retreat, but the walls had enclosed them. “What is that?” she whispered with a broken voice. The guardian had heard her nevertheless. It stepped closer to her. “They are your misdeeds. All you’ve done wrong, all your failures, all your lies and betrayals. And they are here to meet you.”

Photographer: Drasko Plemic DHM
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Music recommended: Lamia Vox - Oath of Night
Shot in December 2023

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