Dark clouds were rising on the far horizon. She was not sure if what she was hearing in the distance were bells or thunder. A sharp wind took her with him, further from the tranquil pond where she had met her past. Her surroundings changed into rivers and dunes of sand that seemed to be following an unrelenting storm by now. She had to submit to the torrent crawling through the dune landscape. Up until now, it had all been bright and magic wonders in this celestial world, but now that the gates of a dark and towering canyon opened up to take her in, she felt helpless and uneasy. What had this place become?
A hooded figure dressed in pale linen stood in front of the canyon’s entrance. It carried a large staff in its right hand and was facing her, even though she could not distinguish any facial features. She had the feeling it had been waiting for her. The sand river and wind in her back adamantly shoved her towards it and only slowed down meters before the appearance. It was weird, she noticed, but from far away the figure had been easier to see clearly, now that she was standing right in front of it, its contours seemed to melt away.
“Come”, it said with a voice like bells and thunder that echoed from the canyon’s edges. It made an inviting gesture and turned around to lead the way further into the depth.
She hesitated. Something was waiting in there, something would happen. But she already knew the answer when she asked with a shaky voice.
“Indeed, you must”, it replied. “There is no other path, so follow me.”
The looming canyon swallowed them both.

Photographer: Drasko Plemic
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Music recommended: Church Bells in Miradoux in France
Shot in December 2023

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