Little specks of light reflected from the surface that separated her from her twin in the mirror. A sense of calmness had come over her, she had lost all sense of time since she had found the place. The woman in the mirror looked back at her with compassion and warmth, but at the same time with an insistent urgency, as if she wanted to tell her something important, as if there was something else to be found. Something precious, a hidden treasure. She just had to look closer.
Silver glass turned to liquid, as the two women were losing themselves in each other’s gaze. The mirror dissolved into a stream of bright and silver particles. The eyes she had looked at so deeply just moments ago became blurry, hazel stains in the river of glass. After a few moments, the surface calmed down a little, and the image sharpened just long enough for her to catch sight of a figure in the silvery depths.
The same eyes as before looked back at her, but they were part of a much younger face. Looking up to her from the ground of a silver pond, her past greeted her. Her young and unversed eyes were without harm and her smile carried all the wishes and hopes only a child can have.

Photographer: Drasko Plemic DHM
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Music recommended: Claude Debussy - Images - Book II, L.111: I. Cloches à travers les feuilles
Shot in December 2023

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1 year ago
Ganz klasse!
1 year ago
Sehr schön, sehr stimmig.
Wahnsinnige Intensität.

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