The foreign structures and lights didn’t rush as quickly anymore. Suddenly, she stepped on something. There was a floor below her again, but transparent, and the depth stretched out under her feet. She had no idea to what heights she had risen. Cautious, she slowly moved forward, not trusting the glasslike surface, but it did not crack or shake when she proceeded.
A path had formed itself in front of her, surrounded by abstract cloudy shapes and figures. Glittering orbs of light entwined those figures like ivy and some of them hovered above her, making her feel like she was walking through an illuminated tunnel. She noticed that the cloudy figures had formed into humanoid shapes that moved slowly, like ghosts. However, they did not seem to care about her, and she didn’t feel threatened. She recognized everyday scenes, a small ghost figure playing on the ground, cuddling a dog, sitting in front of a table, writing, parents kneeling to pick up their child, a kiss between lovers, a young woman in a white dress, laughing with tears in her eyes, beaming at her newlywed groom. Perplexed, she stepped closer to the couple. His face became more and more familiar, she could watch it form details with every second. She breathed in sharply. It was him, that was his face, she could not remember his name, but she knew his face, his beloved face. Stunned, she turned her eyes to the bride that was smiling at her. Confused, she took in the details of her reflection. It was like looking into a mirror. Then, realisation hit her. This was her, these scenes were her life. He also smiled at her, a strange mix of sadness and joy in his gaze. Tears streamed down her face, when her eyes found her own eyes again, united in understanding and compassion.

Art director: @j.studiography
Model / Text: @filthnoir
Music recommended: M83 - Another Wave from You
Shot in February 2023


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