She was surrounded by brightness. Dazzling flashes of light drove through her vision. What wondrous and foreign place had she discovered? She looked back to locate the white door, but it was not to be found. The wave of excitement and elation had calmed down in her body and she was left with a feeling of weightlessness. The cold was gone, her legs weren’t aching any longer from straying for hours on the highway, she seemed to have lost all burdens of her body.
She tried to focus on the strange patterns and structures that were floating in front of her, she couldn’t tell if they were clouds or liquids. Whenever she tried to reach out for them, they seemed to escape her hands. Where was she? She tried to orient herself once more, but the place seemed to extend endlessly. She looked down. There was no floor. A flash of fear went through her guts, there was no floor. She was floating! A cloud of bright particles crossed her way upwards and seconds later, had vanished below her.
Where would she go? She had no notion of how much time had passed since she had entered the white door. But for the first time in her life, the aimlessness did not frighten her. She had started a miraculous journey, she was on her way to unknown shores, unseen lands. A smile spread across her lips. This was just the beginning.

Art director: @j.studiography
Model / Text: @filthnoir
Music recommended: Two Steps from Hell - Nero
Shot in February 2023

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[gone] User_607305
1 year ago
Very interesting and so cool!

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