Cool wind was brushing through her hair while she was walking down the highway. The concrete to her feet swallowed the dim light of the night sky, so she had to guess the road course. No car was crossing her, the highway seemed abandoned tonight. Slight hills were falling at both sides of the road and as she was walking, she could overlook the city with its glittering skyscrapers.
The night carried an odd aura, a feeling of detachment and hope of deliverance, which was a drastic change to all the turmoil and devastation she had felt hours before. Or was it hours? Minutes? Moments? She could not remember what had been before the highway, the concrete, the cool breeze, before she found herself walking down the highway.
The road leaned into a curve. A sudden flash in her guts told her, that something was waiting for her beyond the bend. Her heart was beating faster, only a few meters left. She narrowed her eyes to already catch sight of what was waiting in the dark night.
There it was. Suddenly, she felt tears rushing to her eyes. As she started to run, she could not suppress deep sobs that soon turned into hysterical laughter. There it was, there it was, she finally had found it. Of all places, it had been waiting here, down the highway. Out of air, she came to a halt in front of a luminous white door, standing in the middle of the road.
Smiling, with tears streaming down her relieved face, she stepped through the white door.

Photographer: Vincenzo Landi (@vinclandi)
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Music recommended: Zaubergarten - Schiller
Shot in October 2023


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