Shooting mit Marina
Bearbeitung by Peter

It‘s Christmas Time

It's Christmas time, it's Christmas time
Stand up, stand up and raise a glass of wine
And you let yourself go
Underneath the mistletoe
Another year's gone rocking, rolling by
Oh, how time flies
It's funny, but it seems like yesterday
I put the tinsel away
It's a time we can all look forward to
I like to feel the festive spirit, don't you?
When you switch on your lights and say
It's Christmas time, it's Christmas time
Stand up, stand up and raise a glass of wine
And you let yourself go
Underneath the mistletoe
Well, it's Christmas time, it's Christmas time
Wake up, wake up and find the snow outside
And your presents will be
Underneath the Christmas tree with me
Do you wanna hear the sleigh bells in the sun?
It's not much fun
Try and build yourself a snowman by the sea
Well, it ain't gonna be
I'll be roasting chestnuts by the fire
Red and all with all my heart's desire
And let it burn all the way to Santa
To Santa
It's Christmas time, it's Christmas time
Stand up, stand up and raise a glass of wine
And you let yourself go
Underneath the mistletoe
Well, it's Christmas time, it's Christmas time
Wake up, wake up and find the snow outside
And your presents will be
Underneath the Christmas tree with me
It's a time we can all look forward to
I'd like to feel the festive spirit of you
When you switch on your lights and say
It's Christmas time, it's Christmas time
Stand up, stand up and raise a glass of wine
And you let yourself go
Underneath the mistletoe
Well, it's Christmas time, it's Christmas time
Wake up, wake up and find the snow outside
And your presents will be
Underneath the Christmas tree
Christmas time, it's Christmas time
Stand up, stand up and raise a glass of wine
And you let yourself go
Underneath the mistletoe
Well, it's Christmas time, it's Christmas time
Wake up, wake up and find the snow outside
And your presents will be
Underneath the Christmas tree with me

Comments 50

You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
Ein sehr schönes Foto und sexy anzusehen,
finde ich wunderschön. Gerne mehr davon!
Einen schönen 2. Advent!

Fröschliche Grüße
1 year ago
Schöne weihnachtliche Aufnahme.

LG Georg
#18 You will no longer see this post.
1 year ago
Eine sehr feine passende Arbeit !

VG Frank
[gone] User_635503
1 year ago
Jetzt kann Weihnachten kommen.

LG Dieter
Süßer die Glocken nie klingen... eine super sexy Frau Nikolaus.
Very nice.
LG Michael
1 year ago
Besser als jeder Adventskalender. Viel besser! Danke Dir!
#13 You will no longer see this post.
1 year ago
Großartig das Bild und der passende Text dazu... ein wundervoll weihnachtliches Arrangement... gefällt mir sehr!
LG von Rita
1 year ago
Sehr schön gemacht!

vG Jürgen
1 year ago
Da kann Weihnachten kommen :-)
LG Stefan
#9 You will no longer see this post.
1 year ago
Die schöne Aufnahme macht die Weiihnachtszeit noch sympathischer!
LG Günther
1 year ago
HEISSES MODEL und BILD zur Adventszeit!
Kompliment und Gruss Alex
1 year ago
Stimmungsvoll und gut gelungen. Auch von mir einen schönen Advent.
1 year ago
So schön zum Advent - Grüße aus Halle dazu!!!
LG Jens-Uwe
Beides zum Auspacken ;-)
Schöne Arbeit, passend zum 2. Advent!
LG Ralf
1 year ago
Sexy Frau Nikolaus!
Wünsche Dir einen schönen 2 -ten Advent Sonntag!
L.G. Rudi
1 year ago
Ein wunderschönes Adventsbild. Kompliment an alle Beteiligten.
Lg Frank
1 year ago
sehr schöne inszenierung!
besinnlichen 2. Advent!
glG, Claudia

Picture Participants 1

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  • 50Comments