Bloodhound by Filth_Noir From the gallery The Black Door
It doesn’t matter how fast it will run. It doesn’t matter where it will try to hide. I am following the trace of red flowers that bloom like small little rubies between the leaves and twigs. As if I needed my eyes and a red trail to follow to find them. The forest is full of autumnal scents, I can see them before my inner eye like a multicoloured flowing ribbon. There are golden strands, copper ones and some in earthy, musky tones. But there is another one in iron grey, metallic and salty. It leads me down to the dark blue ribbon, down to the river. I smile. I’m on track.
It is getting slower. Probably has shared to many read flowers. There it is, dragging itself on the rocks by the river. I can smell its cold sweat from exhaustion, sense the stress and fear, the iron-grey ribbon lays thickly in the air. It doesn’t matter how terrified it is. I must hunt it down and I will get it, I will end it. There is no place for mercy.
Easy now, don’t make a sound. It is time to cool down before I attack. Step by step, I stalk closer, silently and deadly. There it is, has its eyes closed and is breathing slowly. Too slowly. I close my eyes, suspiciously. The iron-grey ribbon is fading, the blue river has nearly absorbed it completely. Ominous, I rush from my hide out and climb the rock where it is laying.
Inhaling the last strand of metallic grey, I look down on it. Its eyes mirror the icy sky above us, all fear is gone. White wrath shoots through my veins when I realize that it’s too late. The hunt is over, and I have lost.

Photographer: Dan Jel Tailor
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Music recommended: Jotunheim by Danheim
Shot in November 2023


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