Red Flowers by Filth_Noir From the gallery The Black Door
Run. Breathe. Run. Breathe. Air in. Air out. White pain in your lungs. Turn left. Careful, don’t step on the brittle tree stump. Air in. Air out. They are coming closer. Run faster. Make your steps longer, just a bit longer. The river must be somewhere in front of you, you must make it to the water. There are rocks and caves. Hide there. Maybe they won’t find you. Hold on, keep breathing. Don’t turn around, it will slow you down. You don’t need to see how much they have caught up with you. You can already hear it.
Run. Breathe. Run. Breathe. A tearing sound. Red pain in your leg. A warm river rises from your thighs. Red flowers bloom on the ground. Faster, heart is beating faster. Your heart is a drum. Run faster. Make it to the river, drown the red flowers in dark cold water.
Run. Breathe. Run. Breathe. Bright pain in your head. Skin is on fire. Vision is blurry. Is that the river? Just get down there. Get down there and rest. Just a little rest. The drum gets slower. Breathe. Marvel at all the beautiful red flowers. They bloom down by the river, little rubies everywhere.
The river runs cold. Breathe slower. Blue pain in your heart. You made it, rest now. You can’t even hear them anymore. Breathe. Air in. Air out. Skin is cold. The red flowers are withering.

Photographer: Dan Jel Tailor
Model / Edit / Text: Filth_Noir
Music recommended: Gealdyr - Bana
Shot in November 2023

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