She had to hurry, the dark horizon kept getting closer. The chains around her neck had been there for as long as she could remember, but now they seemed to tighten every minute. She took a nervous look at the glittering space ribbon she was weaving, the one thing that separated everything from nothing. Her fingers were as fast as lightning, and her weaver's shuttle jumped back and forth but the borders came closer and closer. A trickle of cold sweat ran down her spine as she noticed the absence of sound except for her racing heartbeat. The space ribbon behind her was carrying so much life, light, and noise but the dark nothingness in front of her was terrifyingly quiet. The chains had gotten so tight that she could hardly breathe. The borders already had reached her feet, it was a matter of seconds now. If she only could weave even faster, just a little bit, if the chains would just loosen up a little bit, maybe she could make it, she just had to work faster, endure it a little bit longer, maybe she could outrun space and time. Just one millisecond faster…She couldn’t feel her legs anymore and as she looked down on herself, there was nothing left. Her vision blurred from the cold sweat that was running down her face now. There was no air left, nothing. She couldn’t breathe! -
“Are you stalking the space weaver again?” ɸ laughed at ɣ. “You have a thing for her, don’t you?”
“Get lost already” ɣ snapped back, feeling caught and fiddled several levers at the command bridge.
ɸ sighed. “Did you speed up the event horizon again? You know it’s not allowed!” It leaned across ɣ and pushed back a giant black lever. “Come on now, time for lunch, leave that poor little thing alone, won’t you?” it said, while turning to the door, beckoning ɣ.
ɣ got up and followed ɸ through the gate. “Why though?” it said. “It’s not as if it can feel anything.”

Photographer: Drasko Plemic DHM
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Music recommended: Space Weaver - Lisa Gerrard
Shot in September 2023

Comments 2

You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
1 year ago
Ein cooles Portrait!
Die Verletzlichkeit der Nacktheit, in Verbindung mit den Kettengliedern machen es in meinen Augen spannend.
Ist es doch mehr, als bloßer Halsschmuck.
Aber was wäre das Bild ohne diesen Blick?

LG, Martin

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