The Selector by Filth_Noir From the gallery The Black Door
She skipped about in the streets happily following his lead through the crowds that were moving in the icy cold city on this unusual bright December morning. Not a single cloud dulled the pale blue sky and the frozen cobblestones glistened like copper dimes in the early sunlight. Normally, she would be freezing, but since her completion, the cold couldn’t harm her.
“So” she addressed him cheerfully, “what are we doing here? Are you looking for something?” She didn’t notice his eyes squinting, as she cheekily added “Or someone?” The Ignitor looked down to her and his long grey beard hid his sad smile when he responded with a solemn voice.
“Oh no, I am not looking for someone, but you are. You are the Selector. I brought you here to make your choice.” He spread his arms. “Look around yourself. Of all these people, which is the one you want to select?” They had come to a halt midst in the street, but everyone seemed to instinctively sidestep them. “Select? Select for what?” she asked, distracted by her pretty skirt that was flowing playfully in a cool breeze. “For igniting a new light” the Ignitor answered. “A new light?” she asked, “Hm, and I can just choose anyone I like?”
“You are the Selector” he nodded. She considered the people around her. A small boy passed them, holding hands with his grandfather. Two young women in fancy coats were chatting and window shopping. A lady with iron grey hair was sitting on a park bench, feeding the birds that had missed to leave for south. “What about her?” she asked the Ignitor. He just nodded again. “I shall select her” she said in a staged somber tone.
Suddenly, the lady seemed to have lost her breath. Her eyes widened in shock, before her head dropped to her chest, the last breadcrumbs falling from her hands to the ground. “She will make a beautiful new light, Selector” the Ignitor said calmly. His old, sorrowful eyes met the terror of realisation in hers.

Photographer: Drasko Plemic DHM
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Music recommended: Georgy Sviridov - Behold, the Bridegroom Comes
Shot in June 2023


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