Soon by Filth_Noir From the gallery The Black Door
Her vision was hazy in the first few seconds, and it was overshadowed by a deafening choir of hateful voices. Soon drew her very first breath amid a deadly ambush. Fear, despair, distrust, and rage thickened the air, as she faced a thousand wrathful souls with raised blades ready to attack. Soon licked her lips, she could almost taste people’s uncertainty. Like a thick, dark morass, it underlay every angry eye turned towards her. She had no memory, no context, and therefore no idea why these people were raging towards her.
Suddenly, she felt something alien in her mind, a stranger’s voice, yet she immediately recognized a strong connection, a bond between siblings. It was Then’s voice in her head, that would have perished unheard of between all the battle cries. “You must run. Run, now!” Puzzled, Soon looked around the room only to meet the gaze of her perfect image. Then stared at her vividly, but with sorrow and remorse in her eyes. Soon’s expression must had given her surprise away, because Then repeated: “You must run, it has always been like that, there is no escape. You have to run, and they will forever hunt you down. Now!”
With Then’s last word, it was like someone else within Soon had woken up. For a second, it felt like someone else had taken over her body. Soon raised to her feet, the blade in her hand fell to the floor. She took one more look at Then’s sorrowful face between all the wrath and hate, turned on her heels and ran for her life.

Photographer: j.studiography
Model / Text: filthnoir
Music recommended: Raury - God's Whisper
Shot in September 2023


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