Now by Filth_Noir From the gallery The Black Door
Now told herself to keep breathing. Just keep breathing. Stealthily, she watched the mob sharpen their claws and preparing themselves for the attack. Now had to remind herself, that it wouldn’t affect her, it would be Soon who would be to face the assault with full force. Her stomach twisted when she realized that this still meant her inevitable end. She would be gone with Soon entering. Her hands shivered. Now examined them as if it was her first time seeing her own hands. These were her hands, her skin and bone, feeling a gentle caress or a sharp pain, holding on to others, holding a blade…soon they would be gone, wouldn’t be her hands anymore. A wave of desperation washed over her, but she did not have time to embrace the fall.
She felt Then’s gaze and Soon’s arrival simultaneously. It was time to stand up. Stand tall, stand proudly. Now tried to mask herself, but when she met Then’s eyes, she knew that some of her fear had to be written on her face. Then understood. Now nodded slightly, one last glance.
Now addressed the gathered underground with her voice as clear as her stance. „Hoist your flags, raise your weapons and be ready to claim your future. Soon will be here in seconds.” The last thing Now heard was the mob taking a sharp gasp, then everything went silent. The storm unleashed, but Now was gone.

Photographer: @j.studiography
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Music recommended: Stealth - Judgement Day
Shot in September 2023


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