Then by Filth_Noir From the gallery The Black Door
Rusty water was dripping from the walls as if the underground was bleeding and the temperature was still rising. The red air seemed to flicker from nervousness and tension. They were sitting on the floor, sweating under their heavy armour, tasting salt, iron, and anger on their lips.
Then was sharpening her axe, the others were counting their knifes. Everyone was focused and the anticipation made the floor hum. The familiar premonition that was characteristic for their bond overcame Then. With wary and regretful eyes, she searched the room for Now, just in time for her to raise her head and meet Then’s gaze. Time had come, Then knew it and so did Now. There was nothing they could do about it. Soon was on her way.
Now stood up and straightened her shoulders while she tightened the grip on her blade. She looked with a mix of resignation and fear at Then and slightly nodded.
„Hoist your flags“ Now called upon the gathered underground and there was no tremble in her voice. “Raise your weapons and be ready to claim your future. Soon will be here in seconds.”
A collective last gasp went through the whole space, a last pause before their attack, everyone was aware that they were going to meet their fate soon. The air exploded with battle cries, when Then caught a last glimpse of Now, before she had to watch her turn into Soon.

Art director / Photographer: j.studiography
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Music recommended: I looked the Future in the Eyes, It's Mine - Sofia Isella
Shot in September 2023


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