Takeoff by Filth_Noir From the gallery The Black Door
''Make sure, you don't miss the take-off, you must not miss the take-off'' he inculcated insistently in her. ''If you miss it, there won't be a second chance in our lifetime. The space-time window will only open once, in a few seconds, so be ready!'' His voice was shaking with tension, but still, she couldn't help teasing him.
''You mean, it will open in a few seconds in our perception. Technically, isn't it open every time and everywhere?''
''You really think I have the nerve for hair-splitting like this?'' he snapped back but did not look at her. His eyes fixated the spot where the window would appear with the highest likelihood.
She noticed it before him, the glowing thin lines that suddenly appeared midair. He breathed in sharply.

Photographer / Concept: FrommArt
Model/Text/Edit: Filth_Noir
Music recommended: ULTRAVIOLET by ALEPH
Shot in June, 2023


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