Surprised, her glance returned to the floor swiftly. Was he really looking at her, had he noticed her? She was unsure, she probably had imagined things that were highly unlikely. Lights and smoke were shooting around her, as she started spinning around along to the drowning music. She just had to keep spinning, he would be gone, he would have found someone else by then, someone more beautiful. When she finally slowed down again, she felt dizzy and disoriented. The room was still turning around her. It had felt nice though, she had to admit to herself, intimidating, but exciting. She dared to look up again and with her face halfway hidden behind her tangled hair, she searched the room for him. But the corner where he had been standing and watching her dance, was empty.
Disappointment’s sting hurt sharp and cold in her chest. Alright, alright, that was to be expected, she had made up things again, why would he be interested in her of all people? It didn’t matter, she told herself while a faint blush spread on her cheeks, she felt embarrassed and caught by herself. She closed her eyes and tried to regain her composure. The music reached her like a deep wave, comforting and intoxicating. She let it take over, let her forget her unfulfilled hope, wash away her shame. With a slight smile on her face, she vanished between all the lights and the smoke.

Photographer: Drasko Plemic DHM
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Music recommended: I need my girl - The National
Shot in June, 2023

Comments 3

You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
1 year ago
Wunderberes Bild!!
LG Till
1 year ago
tolles, ausdrucksstarkes Bild ...
VG Bernd
Wunderbar emotional und schön.............

Ein Bild, welches eine Geschichte erzählt.........

lg, redfox

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