Doors by Filth_Noir From the gallery The Black Door
The hallway extended to infinite widths. She kept on running, passing door after door that were flashing up for a blink of an eye. Seemingly arbitrary, she took a door to the left - blinking turquoise lights at every wall, as far as walls were distinguishable - there was the next door to the right - dark night skies, she ran across water. She didn't have the slightest idea how she could know the right way, she had never been here before. But she just knew it, it was a dream-like reality where things had their own logic, where you knew places and people even though you never had been there or met them before being awake. The same surreal perception applied to her energy level, she had been running for hours, yet she seemed to have endless stamina. There, between dark clouds (or was it waves?) she catched sight of a golden shimmer. She ran faster, water splashing under her feet. She pushed the handle of the small golden door and passed the threshold. Triumph and euphoria took over, when the wind played with her hair, when her arms finally turned into wings and she flew through pink and coral clouds. The floor had vanished, underneath her was nothing but the sunset. The skies had awaited her.

Photographer: Drasko Plemic DHM
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Music recommended: High and Low - Empire of the Sun
Shot in June 2023

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1 year ago
Super schöne Haltung und dazu die fliegenden Haare, klasse

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