She had been out and about all day and night, but it had been worthwhile. Come to think of it, she could not recall one time when the yield had been higher. But she was working hard in this deep and cold place, wasn’t she? Pleased with herself, she examined her surroundings: Everything was left in monochromes, she had not missed a single spot. But as everyone knows, big riches make one anxious and vulnerable to loss. She started to feel nervous and suddenly in a hurry, turned around to head a long and arduous way back. Leaving the looted place cold and pale, a precious trail of thousand colours followed her.

Photographer: Captavio
Model / Text /: Filth_Noir
Edit: j.studiography teaching Filth_Noir
Music recommended: Yosi Horikawa - Swashers
Shot in June 2023


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