She looked up towards the glittering surface that seemed to be adorned with countless diamonds. Oh, she wondered how basking in the light would feel like, experiencing the warmth for the first time after living for so long in the cold shadows. Every move brought her closer, and the closer she got, the stronger her longing grew, but so did the fear that they would come to get her, to drag her back down into the void. But black turned to indigo, turned to cobalt, to cerulean, to cyan, and finally to a bright white. Nothing had followed her, her desire was about to be fulfilled, she had reached for the stars, and no one had crossed her plan. Close to tears of relief, she reached out and broke the surface. The sun was waiting for her.

Photographer: Tauchpixel
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Music recommended: Drown in Pale Light - Andreas Vollenweider
Shot in May 2023


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