Myriads of particles were passing her on her flight through the various dimensions. It was a peculiar sight, it seemed that everything happened everywhere all at once. She was passing by and at the same time she stayed at one spot. Life and Death were variants in time, states that happened simultaneously. Creation, evolution, dissolution, and recess had lost their chronology. She could see herself at her birth, childhood, age and even her death and non-existence. Strangely enough, she did not feel fear. However, this was to be traced back to the fact that she also felt everything at once and fear would have been difficult to single out in this overwhelming confusion. It was impossible to grasp just something, she was feeling, thinking, and perceiving everything in one moment and in eternity, as it were like a universe.

Photographer: Tauchpixel
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Shot in May 2023
Music recommended: 'Abiogenesis' by Carbon Based Lifeforms


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