Suddenly, all sound was gone, all light was gone, nothing was left for her senses to perceive. After all those ages of movement, noise, bright energy and evolvement, the total absence of everything was unexpected, the moment felt endless and somewhat sacred. At the time when words would have had any meaning, what she experienced now, would have been described best by absoluteness. The state was so encompassing in its stillness, that she was not sure if she technically even existed anymore. Time and space seemed to have vanished. Still, this was the moment with the likelihood of zero, the one of all things that no one would have ever suspected to happen. But she had found it after all, she was about to pass it at once. Hesitant, yet solemn, she went through the moment and reached out to the threshold.

Photographer: Tauchpixel
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Music recommended: Shallow Water - Yehezkel Raz & Sivan Talmor
Shot in May 2023


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