“I cannot follow you” the Woman said to the Wind. Her voice carried an apologetic but also determined undertone. The black ribbon looped around her wrists and tightened.
“How come?” wind asked tensely. He had been so sure to be able to lure the Woman up into the skies and beat Earth by winning the Woman’s heart. Also, he felt it was time to get moving. Wind was no entity that stayed in one place for too long. He was starting to get restless and impatient.
“If I come with you, I lose everything that is dear to me” the Woman replied. “But I can fulfil your wildest dreams, your deepest desires, I have seen things that you cannot even imagine. Let me show you the world from above, you will forget about the past” Wind purred auspiciously.
The Woman was smiling, she had not even listened to Wind. An understanding had struck her. She turned towards Wind and the black ribbon fell from her arms. “I suppose your world is beautiful and astounding, and it is true that sometimes my heart desires a new experience. But I won’t come with you, I cannot trade desire for destiny. It’s not in my nature.”

Photographer: BDKPhoto
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Shot in April 2023
Music recommended: Eclipse by Enya


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