Antagonists by Filth_Noir From the gallery The Black Door
Darkness surrounded the Woman and she felt terribly alone. Something was deeply wrong, something was missing that had been by her side her entire life, but she couldn’t name it quite yet. Instead, something foreign and elusive had entered her senses. It felt incredible, as if she would lose her ground any moment and ascent into the golden hour in the skies. The air carried her and she felt like she might walk on invisible stairs upwards whilst falling into an endless void simultaneously.
But there was a sharp pain in her soul, as if something was about to tear any moment. Fear and elation were equally strong antagonists in her.
Wind smiled, he was certain to take her with him.

Photographer: BDKPhoto
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Shot in April 2023
Music recommended: Bali Girls by Michael Stearns


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