Wind could feel the Woman’s distrust and decided it was time to create a stronger bond with her. He wanted to take her with him, make her see the endless ways and possibilities that he had to offer her. Soon, her suspiciousness would vanish. So, he sent out a black ribbon to seduce her even further. The black ribbon was special, it carried the essence of Wind, his secret desires and motivations, a new reality that would make anyone see what he was able to see. The visions it created were addicting and dangerous and it had happened before, that humans had lost their identities to the strong will of Wind.
The Woman saw the black ribbon coming, she felt the ancient entity like a wave of power and when the ribbon finally reached her, Wind’s spirit hit her with an unparalleled force.

Photographer: BDKPhoto
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Shot in April 2023
Muisc recommended: Sky Burial by Anilah.


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