The Arrival by Filth_Noir From the gallery The Black Door
Wind approached the scarp, and he was furious to find it abandoned. ‘How come that Earth is always faster than me?’ he thought to himself. Wind took great pride in his speed and detachment. He was the emperor of the skies, the embodiment of true freedom, of change and movement. That Earth had preempted him hurt Wind’s ego more than he wanted to admit. But he knew that they could not have come far, and he vowed vengeance. Wind also knew about humans’ weak hearts and he was an experienced gallant.
The Woman turned her head, she could sense that Wind had arrived. She could feel his power, tempting and promising. She wondered what life with him may look like. What would it be like to soar under the sun, to leave everything behind, ascending in complete liberty.

Photographer: BDKPhoto
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Shot in April 2023
Music recommended: Trilogy - At the White Magic Gardens/ The White Winds by Andreas Vollenweider

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