The Elements by Filth_Noir From the gallery The Black Door
The Earth also had heard of the Wind’s imminent arrival, and he feared that he might lose the Woman to the Wind. But Earth was wise and had counted just as many eons as the Wind. But whereas Wind was impulsive and volatile, Earth was calm and enduring. He came to a halt at the Woman’s feet and looked up to her with a courteous gaze.

“Walk with me” Earth said to the Woman, and she turned her head from the scarp and the playful winds in the air. As always when Earth approached her, the Woman noticed a strange feeling of homecoming and contentment, the quiet and lingering joy one experiences when walking into the sunset next to an old friend after a long and adventurous day. And so, she accompanied Earth for a little while.

Photographer: BDKPhoto
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Shot in April 2023
Music recommendation: Drown in pale light - Andreas Vollenweider

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You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
1 year ago
Wow, grandios,
Die Stimmung welche das Foto auslöst, lässt mich verweilen und bleibt in Erinnerung.
wirkt auch etwas cineastisch, sehr gut gemacht.

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