Way home by Filth_Noir From the gallery The Black Door
“Is it over now?” she asked him, shivering from exhaustion and the cool breeze.
“It is over now, it is done” he reassured her, while wrapping his arms around her gently.
She was able to let go of the tension just slightly.
“But what will happen now? Where do we go from here?” she mused, while he held her, looking at the dawning horizon. The last remains of dark matter were dissolving around them. She felt dizzy from the incoming tiredness, a major tiredness so overwhelming that she was sure to never be able to set one foot in front of the other ever again.
“Where do you want to go?” he asked her. The sun was rising at the far horizon, driving out the glooming presence of the night.
“Home. I want to go home. Can we go home?” she whispered. “How are we going to find it from here?” Doubt was obscuring her voice.
“I will bring you back home.” His eyes followed the rising sun, full of confidence. “Trust me.”

Art director / photographer: j.studiography (Instagram)
Male Model: Dan Jel Tailor
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Shot in 2023.


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