Amnesia by Filth_Noir From the gallery The Black Door
She tried to focus on something, anything. But her mind was as blank as the space in front of her eyes. There was nothing to hang on to, no contours, no lines, nothing. She was surrounded by thick white mist, the eyes found nothing to rest on. Despair was beginning to boil up inside her. Where was she? Why was she all alone? Wasn’t there supposed to be somebody else? She scoured her memory, forlornly looking for familiar faces, names, there had to be something, someone, who was looking for her. After all, she had had a life, she was her. Was she? White, cold fear came over her when she realized she did not remember her name. What was her name? She had a name…hadn’t she?
If someone ever would have seen her again, would have looked upon her face, they wouldn’t have found light in her eyes any longer.

Art director / Photographer: @j.studiography
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Shot in 2023.


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