Charyptoroth by Filth_Noir From the gallery The Black Door
The sea was dark and lay still like a wall of cold steel, the skies were looming, heavy as a lead. Not a single breeze dared to stir the water, and it seemed like the world was holding its breath, awaiting the inescapable. Some of the crew gathered at the ship's rail, uneasy and anxious, but no one spoke a word. They knew what was about to come, after all they had summoned it themselves. At once, the sound of curling water rang out and the men could watch the sea beginning to part right in front of them. In horror they eyed the growing vortex, anticipating the dark shallow to reveal the one they had made a pact with in the most desperate hour. At last, Charyptoroth ascended from the troubled waters.

Art director / Photographer: @j.studiography
Model / Text: Filth_Noir
Shot in 2023.

Comments 2

You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
1 year ago
sehr, sehr geiles Foto und ein spannendes Model!
1 year ago
...als Grafiker und Werbemann gefällt mir diese Arbeit unheimlich gut.....
...hat was....und passt gut an eine noch mehr Bildern von dir....die in nächster Zeit kreativ entstehen werden....

lass rocken...;-)

Grüße Frank

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