I don't know the current name of this game, maybe: "Smashing dignity", "Toxic masculinity" or "Reserving my place in history"
I'm sure, this game has many names, and it is older than the bible, as old as sex working and knows many famous players, e.g.: Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Gaius Iulius Caesar, Francisco Pizarro, Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, George W. Bush and now Wladimir Putin. - They written their names in history, making themselves immortal. - But they are ordinary war criminals, who disrespects basic values of all three monolithic religions (okay, some of the players couldn't have know them, but some of them believe in godfather [sic!]). Also they lack all basic ethical principles of humanism, good leadership and beyond this missing educative knowledge, they are responsible for unbelievable suffering, for dead, uncurable injuries, rapes, trauma, hunger, refugees, hate and broken dreams. - Let us change the narrative of this persons: Maybe we can't prosecute them, nor on earth or in heaven, but we can make them to outlaws, to simple criminals! We need to talk about the victims and the suffering this outlaws are responsible for, so nobody liked to be compared or collaborate with one of this crazy murderers.

Thank you Gilles, you are not just an photographer, you are an midwife. Helping me, to bring this emotions and chaos out of my head into pictures.

Comments 3

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2 years ago
spannend gemacht.
lg fox
2 years ago
So schön schrill dein Schachspiel.
Grüße auch an Gilles vom Werner.
2 years ago
Wunderbare Straßenszene, so liebevoll bis ins Detail.
LG Heike

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