Danke Heike, für's mitmachen, für deinen Blick, deine Ohren, deine Zeit.

Attention Fragile! - Tagging pictures is an act I don't like, because it's explaining the message and content, and minimizes the freedom for the observer. I don't like to tell the stories behind my pictures, too.
But I like to make an exception in this case: This picture brings me back into October 2017. After a very long period of doubts, I was out of energy. I failed to be a male, even if I tried so hard. - I hated myself and my desire to be a woman, to be Sophie.
I was full of shame and sure that my hole body and life wouldn't fit into a womans beeing, into Sophie. So I disposed my diaries, my books, my music, my photos, my guitar, my poems and try to commit suicide.
I survived and I started my journey as Sophie. Step by step, driven by fear, shame and emptiness. And I came closer to my beeing, my soul, with every month I lived as Sophie. And I noticed that I didn't learned in past to keep care of myself. And I wonder, why I need four decades to see this "Attention Fragile!" tape, which is surrounding every soul and body. Things can break so easily and it's so hard to fix. Please keep care of yourself. And your loved ones!

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[gone] User_100187
2 years ago
Wunderbare Inszenierung, die alles sagt
LG kArl
Gute Bilder brauchen keine Worte ... wer Augen hat, kann sehen und wer das Herz an der richtigen Stelle hat, kann fühlen ...
3 years ago
Ich danke Dir Sophie für unsere Zusammenarbeit.
Mit Dir Ideen umsetzen ist wunderbar.
LG Heike

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